We are NOW OPEN 5 DAYS A WEEK! Thursday thru Monday from 11-4 daily.
(Closed Tuesday & Wednesday)
February 2025
UP CLOSE opens at AODC Gallery
AODC Gallery opens February with an exhibit “Up Close” which begs further attention. The exhibit runs February 1-28th featuring artwork from AODC Gallery resident artists.
We invite you to come in and view “Up Close” with a magnifying glass that we will provide.
Do you ever wonder what those brush strokes, pen and ink strokes, photo details, carvings, and pottery glazes look like really “Up Close”? Was it intentional? Or could it be a mistake? Maybe a Happy mistake?

AODC Celebrates more than a decade on the Divide, your local source for gifts and fine art...
We are excited that we were able to celebrate our 14th Anniversary on the Divide last June with a continued celebration of the Arts thanks to your continued support of the Art On The Divide Gallery.
AODC gallery currently has eleven local artists. As time has progressed our roster of active artists has changed as artists have joined or leave for various reasons. The one constant thing is the collavorative spirit in which we operate to help the arts thrive on The Divide. The gallery is always open to artists that provide something new and different. If you, or someone you know is looking to join the gallery , the application and information regarding membership is available here...
AODC artists continue to "refresh" the gallery monthly with new art. Providing the community with workshops to teach various art techniques and receptions to showcase the art are typical of our monthly offerings. We welcome feedback from the community to help us plan workshops. What would you like to learn? Past workshops have included jewelry, stained glass, mask making, collage and rose-pruning.Directly behind the gallery is a historic rose garden that is maintained by the artists. We have been fortunate to have the Divide Garden Club help with rose-pruning, and hope to continue with that collaboration. They have also been generous in awarding the gallery many years of grants to help with this maintenance.AODC gallery is pleased to provide a space for local student art, under the leadership of Susan Sasano, a local volunteer. She reaches out to our local schools and will switch out the artwork regularly.
Terry Green Memorial Art Scholarship
2025 Applications Available
The Divide Friends of the Arts and Historical Society (DFAHS) representing Art On the Divide Gallery (AODC) is pleased to announcethat we are now accepting applications from Divide Seniors for College Art Scholarships. Please encourage those eligible in our community to apply. AODC/DFAHS will be offering multiple scholarships up to $1,000.
Download Application Here...
Application Deadline is March 1st, 2025
Angel Hernandez and Jace Rivers were the recipients of a $1,000 Terry Green Memorial ART Scholarship for the year of 2024.
Funds for the ART scholarships are made available through membership to DFAHS and other generous contributions. New and continuing memberships for 2025 will benefit students this year.
With increased participation, more scholarship dollars will be made available in the future. For information on DFAHS Membership and AODC Gallery, please use the donation button below. Thank you for supporting our students and the arts.
More information on membership is available by clidking the link below. Your $20.00 membership and any additional donation will directly benefit the ART Scholarship fund.
Thank you!

What's happening in 2025...
January - "Winter's Serenity" - feature wall theme
Valentine Card Workshop... Jan 29th
February - "Close Up" - feature wall theme
March - Golden Sierra High School show
April - Linda Miller - Featured Guest Artist
May - "Flowers" - feature wall theme
June - 15th Annual Garden Party
July - "TBA" - feature wall theme
August - "Natural Wonders" - Guest Invitational Show
September - "TBA" - feature wall theme
October - "TBA"
November - "TBA" - feature wall theme
December - Music, Munchies and Marvelous Art, December 7th
Holiday gifts for everyone on your list
* Dates, themes, guest artists are all subject to change. Updates will be posted as changes occur.
Terry Green Memorial Art Scholarship
2025 Applications Available
The Divide Friends of the Arts and Historical Society (DFAHS) representing Art On the Divide Gallery (AODC) is pleased to announcethat we are now accepting applications from Divide Seniors for College Art Scholarships. Please encourage those eligible in our community to apply. AODC/DFAHS will be offering multiple scholarships up to $1,000.
Download Application Here...
Angel Hernandez and Jace Rivers were the recipients of a $1,000 Terry Green Memorial ART Scholarship for the year of 2024.
Funds for the ART scholarships are made available through membership to DFAHS and other generous contributions. New and continuing memberships for 2025 will benefit students this year.
With increased participation, more scholarship dollars will be made available in the future. For information on DFAHS Membership and AODC Gallery, please use the donation button below. Thank you for supporting our students and the arts.
More information on membership is available by clidking the link below. Your $20.00 membership and any additional donation will directly benefit the ART Scholarship fund.
Thank you!

What's happening in 2025...
January - "Winter's Serenity" - feature wall theme
Valentine Card Workshop... Jan 29th
February - "Close Up" - feature wall theme
March - Golden Sierra High School show
April - Linda Miller - Featured Guest Artist
May - "Flowers" - feature wall theme
June - 15th Annual Garden Party
July - "TBA" - feature wall theme
August - "Natural Wonders" - Guest Invitational Show
September - "TBA" - feature wall theme
October - "TBA"
November - "TBA" - feature wall theme
December - Music, Munchies and Marvelous Art, December 7th
Holiday gifts for everyone on your list
* Dates, themes, guest artists are all subject to change. Updates will be posted as changes occur.