The Divide Friends of the Arts & Historical Society
The Divide Friends of the Arts & Historical Society (DFAHS) is a non-profit organization, a 501(c)(3), that has the goal of promoting the arts and history of the Georgetown area. In 2015 the Art on the Divide Cooperative and DFAHS merged as both groups had the same goal to make the arts on the Divide thrive. DFAHS is also responsible for the creation of the "Walking Tour of Georgetown" that is a fee handout available at the Gallery and other establishments in Georgetown. DFAHS and the AODC also provide annual scholarships to graduates of Golden Sierra High School who plan to pursue a college major or minor in the visual or performing arts. In the past, funds for the scholarship came from a fall sale of daffodil bulbs but we are currently relying on membership dues, donations and the sale of Christmas ornaments and arrangements during the holiday season. During past daffodil drives, many of the daffodil bulbs donated to DFAHS were planted to brighten the hills and byways of the Divide and are still visible each spring.
In addition to the grant program DFAHS and the AODC are currently restoring and making improvements to the historical rose garden behind the gallery. New walkways and patios have been installed to make viewing of the garden easier and we are working toward identifying and labeling all the roses. The "garden" has hosted many gatherings including art workshops, chamber of commerce functions and of course our Anniversary Garden Party in June.
If you are interested in being a member of the Divide Friends of the Arts & Historical Society and want to help us in making the arts thrive on the Divide our annual membership fee is quite modest and we are grateful for any donation to help with our community service oriented goals. We usually conduct a membership drive in the month of March but you can become a member at any time.
At one time the gallery building housed our local library for quite a few years. A recent photo of the gallery taken by one of our artists inspired a rememberance of that time and the ever so lovely librarian that ran the library at that time, Mary Helen Murphy. Read More

Terry Green Memorial Art Scholarship
Download the Apllications for 2025 Here....
Funds for the ART scholarships are made available through membership to DFAHS and other generous contributions. New and continuing memberships for 2025 will benefit students this year.
With increased participation, more scholarship dollars will be made available in the future. For information on DFAHS Membership and AODC Gallery, please visit and click the "donate" button. Thank you for supporting our students and the arts.
Divide Friends of the Arts and Historical Society (DFAHS) representing Art On the Divide Gallery (AODC)is pleased to announce Jayce Rivers and Angel Hernandez, were the recipients of last year’s Terry Green Memorial Art Scholarships. Each will receive a $1,000 scholarship.
Your support of our scholarship fund is greatly appreciated.
Thank you!

Supporting members will receive invitations and advance notices to special events. Join today
Become a Supporting Member
Heritage Rose Garden... a community asset.
AODC has hosted many community events in the beautiful rose garden behind the gallery. Past workshops have included rose pruning workshops, plain aire sketching and painting, Chamber of Commerce events, local garden club events and in June we host an annual garden party to celebrate the anniversary of our opening in June of 2010. Watch for a grand display of blooms starting around Mother's Day. If you haven't visited before, the garden is directly behind the gallery.